Sustainable Swaps Part 1

Living sustainably can be simple and flexible, without the need to strictly adhere to every rule. By making small changes, you can make a significant impact, both for the environment and your wallet.

Here are some effortless swaps that can help you get started:

Incorporating small hand towels into your daily routine is a great way to reduce waste. These versatile towels can be used for various purposes, such as cleaning your home, wiping your face, or even tending to your dog's paws. Of course, there may be instances where paper towels are more practical, especially when dealing with messy situations like pet urine. However, consider the convenience of using hand towels for other purposes whenever possible.

Another sustainable switch that I highly recommend is transitioning to reusable makeup wipes. Once you make the switch, you won't look back. These wipes offer ease and convenience while significantly reducing environmental impact compared to single-use alternatives. Personally, I prefer applying a small amount of unscented lotion to remove makeup, followed by cleansing my face. After using the wipes, I collect them in a small laundry bag and toss them in with my clothes when doing laundry.

While not a direct swap, it's worth considering the type of candle jars you purchase. Look for jars that have a visually appealing design even after the candle has been used up. I recall searching high and low at Target for a particular candle jar that made a charming knick-knack holder. Although I couldn't find it, the idea remains: repurposing candle jars is a fantastic way to give them a new lease on life. Simply boil some water, pour it into the empty candle jar, and wait a few hours. This will allow the remaining wax to solidify, making it easier to remove and repurpose for other creative endeavors.

Lastly, opting for wooden cooking utensils over their plastic counterparts is a sustainable choice. Wooden utensils naturally degrade over time, returning to the Earth, unlike plastic utensils that persist in the environment. However, keep in mind that wooden or bamboo utensils should not be used when handling raw meat. For all other cooking tasks, they are fair game. I recommend washing them immediately after use and periodically giving them a thorough cleanse by soaking them in hot water, dish soap, and vinegar. This method ensures they are clean from the inside out.

These suggestions provide just a glimpse of the numerous ways you can replace old habits with new sustainable practices. Embracing these changes will not only benefit the planet but also contribute to a greener and more cost-effective lifestyle.


Sustainable Swaps Part 2


Eco-friendly Living